Word Nighttime in Poetry | Poems about Nighttime

Read nighttime in poetry from famous poets and best night poems to feel good. Most night poems ever written by best poets.

Word Nighttime in Poetry

Nighttime oceans

-Ulli Predeek

daylight dreams dive into nighttime oceans

hopeful heartbeats remain

pulsing through the fluid darkness of the room

I feel your breath trembling

painting my anticipation red gold and green

will I feel your warm cherrymouth

slowly climbing up my neck

up to the crescent of my ear

up to the wings of my lips?

I keep my eyes wide shut

and shiver -

feeling your humid running kiss

ascending to my lids

your silent passion

leaves me gasping blindly

for glittering sparkles of infinity

and I capture this moment

inside the memory of craving flesh

underneath every loony pore

nighttime oceans spill

into another sphere

and we both



Nighttime haunting

-Julia Elise

nighttime haunting

head hits the pillow

eyes shut tight

memories fade into focus

horrible thoughts play

soon hope to forget

not so fortunate

tossing and turning

cannot sleep

replay eternally

daydreams or nightmares

can't tell the difference

no whimsical fantasy

dark treacherous feeling

never ending cycle

very near sleep

eyes abruptly open

shoot straight up

breaths heavy

mind full to entirety

lie down

slow breaths

drift off

and repeat

nighttime haunting


My Nighttime Lullaby

-Marie Helle Frasier

I become weary in unconscious peace,

And dreams fill the every corner of night.

The moonlight seeps through the floors of heaven

To reveal the soft stillness of the light.

Stars twinkle like candles anew; nightlights, too.

And the moon sleeps to the lullaby she brings,

Humming to the melody, the sweet harmony.

The chill nighttime air filled with that of which the nightingale sings.

The fireflies dance from my midnight reverie

While the sound of music drifts to the sky,

I shift between sweet dreams and horrid fantasies,

But the night still brings my sweet lullaby.

Sweet Good Night Poems


Hello Nighttime

-Jon Tobias

Hello Nighttime

It hasn’t been as cold lately

The train of shopping carts rattles

Vibrate my forearms

Especially as I cross the yellow speed bumps on the ground

The city put those there to trip up skateboarders

And to confuse babies in strollers

Old women on walkers avoid them

There are things designed to make us slower

More careful

I think about my last poetry reading while filling the coolers

And don’t ask myself why when alone

I take myself to the places that make me most happy

My cashier asks me when he can go home

You do everything slower when

You keep yourself company

When you’re lonely

You’re not savoring moments

You just taking your time

Because you can

I set the alarms and lock the doors

The moon has been out for a while

I will go home and write

Everyone is asleep except for me

I crack open a few beers

Open the window so the moon can keep me company

Forever I thought there was something wrong with me

But I have learned

Like the moon

Some things will only shine in the nighttime

Not everything looks like gold under the sunlight.


Her Violin Sings at Night

-Mike Winegar

She plays softly by the moonlight

In mournful solitude surrounded by mist

With the moon listening to the violin's song.

The notes caress the stars at night

As the violin sings with her tenderness.

The night carries the music along.

She comes alone at night to sit by the lake

And pour her heart into the violin's strings.

The violin's voice haunts the nighttime air.

She plays a song of longing that makes her heart break.

Her spirit weeps as her violin sings,

While into the night rises a song of despair.

The moon and the stars lend their ears

As the solitary maiden comes to play

And the mournful notes take flight.

They listen until the sun's greeting nears

And the tune finishes with the birth of the day,

But will be started anew when her violin sings at night.

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