Short Halloween Poems That Rhyme | Spooky, Scary Poetry

Read Halloween Poems That Rhyme. Spooky & Scary Poetry For Halloween. If you are looking for some good poems on Halloween, you've come at the right place.

Short Halloween Poems That Rhyme

Halloween Chills

Denise M.

On this night of spooks and gnomes

Of swooning leaves and cringing crones

Of legends told from ear to ear

Of shrieking cats that grin and sneer

Over the hill and past the tree

A haunted house there said to be

With chill and mist to pierce your soul

And whispering winds to keep you cold

Heed the whispers straight from hell

To keep you safe from witchy spells

For through this night of devilish play

All who tread will rue the day.


Mr. Macklin’s Jack O’Lantern

David McCord

Mr. Macklin takes his knife

And carves the yellow pumpkin face:

Three holes bring eyes and nose to life,

The mouth has thirteen teeth in place.

Then Mr. Macklin just for fun

Transfers the corn-cob pipe from his

Wry mouth to Jack’s, and everyone

Dies laughing! O what fun it is

Till Mr. Macklin draws the shade

And lights the candle in Jack’s skull.

Then all the inside dark is made

As spooky and as horrorful

As Halloween, and creepy crawl

The shadows on the tool-house floor,

With Jack’s face dancing on the wall.

O Mr. Macklin! where's the door?


Dusk in Autumn

Sara Teasdale 

The moon is like a scimitar,

A little silver scimitar,

A-drifting down the sky.

And near beside it is a star,

A timid twinkling golden star,

That watches likes an eye.

And thro’ the nursery window-pane

The witches have a fire again,

Just like the ones we make,—

And now I know they’re having tea,

I wish they’d give a cup to me,

With witches’ currant cake.

Read: Funny Halloween Puns


Night Of Fright


Monsters stalking through the night.

Halloween is the Night of Fright.

Fear is what this night brings,

Along with many other things.

Are you sure you are prepared?

Tonight is not for the easily scared.

Creatures from hell roam on this night,

For tonight is the Night of Fright.

Trick or treat you say,

You should not have waited until the end of the day.

Tonight you will lose your tricks and treats,

For the monsters need to eat.

You better not take this night lightly,

Or else you will truly learn what fright means.

In ancient times people feared this night,

The night they greeted with fright.

Why they were so scared you will soon see,

On this "All Hollows' Eve."


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