Best Examples of Confessional Poetry | Confessional Poems

Confessional poetry or "Confessionalism" is a style of poetry that emerged in the United States during the late 1950s and early 1960s. It is sometimes also classified as a form of Postmodernism. Read More about Confessional Poetry

Examples Confessional Poetry
Confessional Poetry Example

The Fury Of Sunsets


cold is in the air,

an aura of ice

and phlegm.

All day I’ve built

a lifetime and now

the sun sinks to

undo it.

The horizon bleeds

and sucks its thumb.

The little red thumb

goes out of sight.

And I wonder about

this lifetime with myself,

this dream I’m living.

I could eat the sky

like an apple

but I’d rather

ask the first star:

why am I here?

why do I live in this house?

who’s responsible?




Loving me with my shoes off

means loving my long brown legs,

sweet dears, as good as spoons;

and my feet, those two children

let out to play naked. Intricate nubs,

my toes. No longer bound.

And what’s more, see toenails and

all ten stages, root by root.

All spirited and wild, this little

piggy went to market and this little piggy

stayed. Long brown legs and long brown toes.

Further up, my darling, the woman

is calling her secrets, little houses,

little tongues that tell you.

There is no one else but us

in this house on the land spit.

The sea wears a bell in its navel.

And I’m your barefoot wench for a

whole week. Do you care for salami?

No. You’d rather not have a scotch?

No. You don’t really drink. You do

drink me. The gulls kill fish,

crying out like three-year-olds.

The surf’s a narcotic, calling out,

I am, I am, I am

all night long. Barefoot,

I drum up and down your back.

In the morning I run from door to door

of the cabin playing chase me.

Now you grab me by the ankles.

Now you work your way up the legs

and come to pierce me at my hunger mark.


Red Roses

Tommy is three and when he’s bad

his mother dances with him.

She puts on the record,

“Red Roses for a Blue Lady”

and throws him across the room.

Mind you,

she never laid a hand on him.

He gets red roses in different places,

the head, that time he was as sleepy as a river,

the back, that time he was a broken scarecrow,

the arm like a diamond had bitten it,

the leg, twisted like a licorice stick,

all the dance they did together,

Blue Lady and Tommy.

You fell, she said, just remember you fell.

I fell, is all he told the doctors

in the big hospital. A nice lady came

and asked him questions but because

he didn’t want to be sent away he said, I fell.

He never said anything else although he could talk fine.

He never told about the music

or how she’d sing and shout

holding him up and throwing him.

He pretends he is her ball.

He tries to fold up and bounce

but he squashes like fruit.

For he loves Blue Lady and the spots

of red roses he gives her.


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