Hilarious Happy Birthday Poetry That Will Really Laugh

 Here’s a kiss and a hug from your granny,

And the gentlest of pats on your fanny,

Which we grown-ups bestow,

When we hope that you’ll grow,

To be hardworking, loving, and canny.

And your grandpa directs me to add,

a check for your mom and your dad,

To deposit for you,

So you can get through,

University as undergrad.


Another Year

I'm wishing you another year

Of laughter, joy and fun,

Surprises, love and happiness,

And when your birthday's done,

I hope you feel deep in your heart,

As your birthdays come and go,

How very much you mean to me,

More than you can know.

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My dear husband you are going to hit 40

But I am bit sad on your birthday

Yes, I am very happy for you on this day

Yes, I also bought a special gift for you

Yes, I invite all our family friends

Yes, I am fully satisfy from your love

Yes’ I love you too

But, I am sad because I dropped

Your birthday cake and only 40 candles lefts.

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