Top 5 Crazy Love Poems That Rhyme

Crazy love poems are the best; classy poetry and a bit of tongue-in-cheek humors rolled into one. Take a look and laugh with these cute funny love Poems.

Crazy Love Poems

Beauty and the Beast

You must hear the shock and awe

when we walk down the street

as people, loudly say,

"Why that's Beauty and the Beast!"

What a strange pair,

What a weird sight,

A lovely, bright flower

and a creature from the night,

I know you hear them

'cause I do, too,

I don't understand

how they can say that about you!


My Lips Are Full of Kisses

My lips are full of kisses

they pucker and plump when you are near,

This pair isn't happy until your lipstick we smear,

My lips are full of kisses

even now they move your way

for the promise of heaven is just a kiss away!

Funny Kids Poems


If I knew that I would come to a point in my life

Where I would see nothing else but love,

And have no other important feeling but loyalty

I would never have waited for so long a time,

Before hitting the road

On a journey to locate you.

Though I have no regrets ever,

I wished I had met you earlier.

To love and support with all that I’ve got.

But it’s okay; I have you now,

And tomorrow, and forever.


The first day I met you, I met life a new.

The moment my eyes were set on you, I saw love.

Our first kiss brought heaven upon earth;

Time can choose to stop making any motion,

It doesn’t matter to me, as long as I have you by my side.


My Little Star

When I wish upon a star

I do not have to look too far

'cause sitting right next to me

shining bright and true

is the loveliest star I ever knew,

It's true stars are gassy,

They tend to twinkle and fade

but my little star for eternity was made

I know your flaws,

You surely know mine

but like stars in the sky

our love will burn up the night!


Can I tell you how much you mean to me?

As the body needs air to survive,

As plants need the sunshine to make food,

As the fish need water to breathe,

So, do I need you to be me, baby.

I love you.

Read More: Funny Love Poetry

